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US Stocks Dragon and Tiger Report: BTK degrader enters brain with new evidence; fell 78%, SMDC has no PR


New data progress: Phase 1 oral brain-permeable BTK degrader NX-5948 is used to treat B-cell malignant lymphoma, and the first clinical evidence of CNS activity was announced; Phase 1 BCR-ABL inhibitor ELVN-001 is used to treat CML (chronic myeloid leukemia), and Phase 1 PoC data was announced

New data setbacks: Phase 1/2 VISTA monoclonal antibody KVA12123 is used to treat solid tumors, and the preliminary clinical response data of Phase 1/2 is disclosed, and there is no ORR in the single-drug group; Phase 1 5T4/4-1BB dual antibody ALG.APV-527 is used to treat solid tumors, and the data is updated. There were 2 SD patients 1 month ago, and now there is only 1 SD patient; Phase 2 ready-made reprogrammed macrophage ALLOCETRA is used to treat sepsis, and the Phase 2 top-line data is disclosed, and the baseline is uneven and not statistically significant; Phase 1 αvβ3 SMDC drug VIP236 is used to treat solid tumors, and the Phase 1 data is updated, and no PR has occurred.